Positive Behaviors at Ahtanum Valley

Nov 20, 2023

PBIS activities are hitting the mark at Ahtanum Valley Elementary!

Students at Ahtanum Valley Elementary do an outstanding job with their behavior – both academically and in the way they treat each other and our school. Many visitors from the community, as well as substitute teachers, regularly comment on how much they love being around these students.

As a school that is committed to Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), we believe that positive student behavior comes from building positive relationships and experiences for our students. As a part of that, students earn “ROAR bucks” by demonstrating positive behaviors. ROAR stands for “Respect Ourselves and others – Act Responsibly.” Students can use ROAR bucks to participate in lots of activities that make school exciting and fun.

This year, our school’s PBIS team has developed “mystery experiences” students can purchase with their ROAR bucks. The mystery experiences have been a great addition this year and they’ve been a hit with our kids!

Our first mystery experience at Ahtanum Valley in October was a Glow Party – students danced to laser lights, twirled their glow sticks in the air, went bowling for glowing water bottles, or just took in the sights and sounds! In November, the activity will be a S.T.E.A.M. carnival – students will participate in fun and engaging STEAM activities like building catapults and creating turkeys.

We’d like to share with you more information about the many different, exciting, upcoming activities in future months…but sorry – they’re a SURPRISE!

The student experience at school needs to be enriched with fun activities and positive relationships. These PBIS activities are hitting the mark at Ahtanum Valley Elementary!