Fine Arts Excellence!

Mar 8, 2024

Fine Arts Excellence at West Valley High School

Two students from West Valley High School had their artwork selected to be displayed at the state art show sponsored by the Office of the Superintendent of Pubic Instruction. Sofia Macias and Millan Ly were presented regional awards at a ceremony on Thursday, March 7 at the Yakima Valley Museum. Educational Service District 105, based in Yakima, sponsors the annual regional art show to encourage and support fine arts for students. This year was the 51st annual program.

The work by Sofia Macias is titled, “Seahorse.” The work by Millan Ly is titled, “Strawberry.”

In addition to the regional award, Millan Ly was awarded special recognition with a scholarship sponsored by Central Washington University. Only eight students in the region received this special recognition.

Artwork from across the state, including the pieces by Sofia Macias and Millan Ly, will be on display at the state art show which will be held on April 10 through May 30, 2024 in Olympia. Congratulations to these outstanding students and their high school teachers, Grant Johnston and Jana Whitfield!

Milan Ly
Strawberry by Milan Ly
Sofia Macias
Seahorse by Sofia Macias